A summer like no other...
In Scotland, our seasons are not very well defined - cloud, low temperatures and a lot of rain are common in all 4 seasons. Summers are usually a mixture of grey cloud and rain with the odd glimpse of sunshine and temperatures are typically around 15 degrees Celsius.Last summer was awful; it rained almost all the time. We spent most of the time trying to find fun things to do indoors...there was a lot of painting, reading stories and making dens!
But not this summer (I really hope I am not about to jinx things!) we have now had about 4 or 5 WEEKS of warm/ hot weather and glorious sunshine. It has been above 20 degrees and even hit 30 degrees last week. It has been just WONDERFUL!!! (I am publishing this a few weeks after writing it and the weather is starting to turn wet...booo hooo)
As far as I know, our great weather is set to continue so this allows us to plan fun OUTDOOR stuff. I've been 'researching' on Pinterest and been finding ideas for our Summer Bucket List (I have always been a bit jealous of the American and Canadian blogs I see where the families can play outdoors all summer and visit outdoor pools and water parks.) and am starting to put together a fun list of things to do over our 7 week holiday.
So far this summer we have...
Back garden fun
My beautiful boys

Happy, happy Evan!
Ice lollies on the backdoor step
..turns out she got a bit stuck!
Silversands Beach
It was a beautiful hot day a few weeks ago so we headed for the beach. It was really busy! Evan has taking a liking to eating spades full of sand so he was in his element here. It makes me feel sick each time I see him take a fist full of sand to his mouth - I honestly gag!
Ian had (too much) fun digging a huge hole for the kids and collecting bucket loads of water from the sea. They made the hole into a boat - there was a lot of beach envy that day and a few kids (and adults) kept coming across to see it.
Just look at the colour of that beautiful sky!!!
Here are some shots of my beach babes:
Sprinkler and Paddling Pool
Visiting Granny and Grampa at the farm
I love this picture of Evan peeking over the fence in Granny and Grampa's garden - he was looking for the cows. The view they have from the house is just beautiful.Grampa and David played at Power Rangers on the - I think Grampa won this battle!
My gorgeous wee nephew Alec (almost 6 months old)
We had lots of fun at the farm.