For Heather's 1st Birthday (3 years ago now) we had a Mat Hatter's Tea Party in the garden. We spent many months thinking up ideas for the party and many more months making and buying all the bits and bobs.
We were very excited about the party and, having invited lots of people, just prayed that it would be dry...we didn't have enough space in the house for the 60+ people that were coming. Our back up plan was to phone people in the morning and have 2 staggered parties so that we could all fit in the house.
Fortunately, someone was watching over us, the weather was glorious!!! We have not had a day like it since. The sky was bright blue, not a cloud in sight and the sun was splitting the sky. It was suncream all round. Who would have thought?
The invitations were based on an image we found online. Ian, the genius that he is, created the most amazing invitations to look like playing cards. I can't find a photo of it but I know we have a picture somewhere.
We set up a lot of decorations in the back garden and a few bits and bobs at the front of the house. Ian and I were busy for many weeks getting everything ready for our little girl's party.
All guests were asked to wear a 'mad hat' to the party. Our friends and family did not disappoint. There was a really good collection of crazy hats including hats covered in sweets, a fireman's helmet, floral displays and even a stack of cards on a hairband.
The props and decorations
Painting the roses red!
The garden was decorated with lots and lots of brightly coloured lanterns as well as giant playing card garlands, tea pots and big 'H' banners.
Giant playing card garland ~ strung between the house and the garage.
There was a little croquet game on the grass for the wee ones to play with. Ian made it out of giant playing cards and bent them on little wires.
Setting up the garden
On the back fence there is a giant cheshire cat. This was used to play 'Pin the Grin' ~ our take on pin the tail on the donkey. I made bug smiles out of different coloured pieces of card. My fabby big sis ran this game with all the wee ones, it was lots of fun.

It's not that clear from this picture, but we made 3 or 4 cake stands out of an old tea set. We glued cups, plates and saucers together - it looked really cool.

I made had a ladybird hat but Heather kept pulling my antena offand eating them. Ian's Cat in the Hat hat was a kids one and it was wedged on his head.
Just one of the pass the parcel groups ~ there was another one happening round the corner for the babies too.
Carole, John and Rowan
Lissa and Archie
Auntie Leanne & Uncle Paul
H and I did have hats but she kept pulling them off.
It was so hot all the sandwiches started to toast in the sun!
The cake...our first attempt at a topsy-turvey cake. My Mum and best friend Tracy and I created a 3 tier cake for Heather. We had never made anything like this so we were very proud of what we made. In addition to this cake, we made what seemed like a thousand top hats and cup cakes. Trace did an amzing job at decorating the cakes - a very fast learner!
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