Thursday, 5 July 2012

Green Week

This was one of my favourite ones. I don't know why, but I seemed to come up with a few new ideas for this one.

I drew a big dinosaur and then painted H's feet with green paint. You can guess what happened next...
...a green dinosaur! She really enjoyed this activity. Little E did some foot prints too but I didn't get a pic of him because by that point I was also covered in paint
Before our Dinosaur became green

After...A green dinosaur

Making Green Bow ties for everyone

We made some green bow ties for all the family. They were made of green card and we used some ribbon to tie them in. As you can see, H went crazy with the felt pens, the glitter, the glue, the stickers, the pom-poms...

Green outfits

Pink Week

I have to say that she had no problem with the colour pink as this is her favourite one.

Pink clothes and pink food...we struggled with the food a bit because she wouldn't eat anything I put down!! FussyToddlers!!!

We collected stones from the garden, washed them and then painted them pink!

The 3 Little Pigs. I thought this story was vaguely has 3 pink pigs in it!!

So to continue our pink theme I printed out some images of the characters and the houses. I set H free with the paints, crepe paper and other bits and bobs I got H to paint them. We did a bit of a mixed media style with this one - although the picture doesn't show them all. We used spaghetti as straw on one of the houses, painted one pig pink, coloured one pink and glued pink tissue to the 3rd one.

After they were all dry, I cut them out and laminated them and stuck some lolly sticks to the back ~ voila: pink themed story puppets!

We did a wee puppet show behind some chairs - Ian and I told the story using our best acting skills...we weren't that good but I don't think the kids noticed thankfully.

Where does the time go? A quick look back...

I just realised it has been months since I last put anything on here. I just don't know where the time goes. I have the best intentions to keep the blog up to date but, ironically, life just keeps getting in the way!

E is now 9 months and H will soon be turning 3! Recently they both seem to have moved on a stage and can do so much more.

~ H is so chatty, funny and confident. She started Ballet and Tap classes and has moved up to the 3-5 room at nursery. She is dressing and undressing herself and exerting her Independence at every opportunity!We are still yet to master the toilet training but there have been some huge improvements. On the downside, she also seems to have mastered some epic tantrums! Once it was so exhausrting for her that she fell asleep on the hall floor.

~ E is sitting up on his own with increasing confidence and control. He has started on solid food and is drinking water from a cup. Solids were a bit tricky at first as he wouldn't open his mouth. Fortunately he has mastered it now and is enjoying lots of different new tastes. In the last 2 weeks his bottom 2 teeth have come through and he has learned to clap and almost wave.

It has been a busy old time!